Use Cases


Lost a public tender? Or won, but is the decision challenged by a competitor? Within 15 minutes Publican provides you with an accurate prediction of the outcome of the public tender case. This saves you time and money.

Get a quasi instant answer, anytime and everywhere
15 minutes, that's how long it takes from uploading your documents to getting the data-driven prediction. You'll never miss any valuable time, let alone a deadline, again.
Go into litigation or alternative dispute resolution with confidence
Calculate your winning chances and be ideally positioned to take the best course of action using insights from past cases.
Fortify your position
Ensure your position is sound with an unbiased third-party report.

Contracting Authorities

(i) After drafting the tender documents, assess preventative if your administrative tender clauses contain high legal risks through the use of Publican. (ii) When faced with a challenge of your award decision, receive within 15 minutes an accurate prediction of the outcome of this bid protest.

Get a quasi instant answer, anytime and everywhere
15 minutes, that's how long it takes from uploading your documents to getting the data-driven prediction. You'll never miss any valuable time, let alone a deadline, again.
Determining the best use of government resources
Assess quantitative what's the best use of government resources, e.g. defend the award decision, retract the award decision, restart the tendering process...
Maximize consistency
Consistently handle cases using the same data-backed insights.

Lawyers and Consultants

Improve margins and gain a competitive advantage with the powerful, yet easy-to-use digital tool of Publican that uncovers and leverages hidden insights in the case law data. Moreover you have access to useful statistics on judges’ behavior / responses to key legal arguments.

Boost skills
Add a data-backed dimension to your professional expertise.
Get a quasi instant answer, anytime and everywhere
15 minutes, that's how long it takes from uploading your documents to getting the data-driven prediction. You'll never miss any valuable time, let alone a deadline, again.
Experiment with arguments
Within the digital tool you can experiment with arguments and see in real time the impact on the win/loss ratio of the case.
Train juniors quickly
Help juniors discover key factors in courts’ decisions and guide research